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Empower and Heal Yourself.

Professional Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regressions, Coach Nutrition, Certifications, Hypnotherapy Seminars, Corporal Languages Seminars.


Uses of Hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression

Explore Past Life Regressions

Hypnotherapy Courses

Become a Certified Hypnotherapist.

What To Expect At Your Visit

In Hypnosis with Ana Maria we help our clients through Hypnosis Sessions, Past Life Regression Therapy and Health Coaching, to solve issues such as:
Panic Attacks, Phobias, Stress, Anxiety, and all Fears, as well as those who want to Stop Smoking, Control their Weight, including Gastric Band Hypnosis, Develop more Confidence and Self-Esteem, Become a Better Speaker or Sportsperson, etc.

Our hypnotherapy NYC services are in English and Spanish.


Eneida Puleri 

How hypnosis changed her life after taking hypnosis sessions with Ana María Benavides.

Ronny Castillo

Improved the relationship with his father thanks to hypnosis. 

Ivonne González

How her life changes  after taking hypnosis sessions with Ana María Benavides.

Contact Me

At Hypnosis with Ana Maria, your mental health and well-being is important to me. I love helping my patients develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today to see how I can help you and let’s discuss the wide range of options at your disposal.

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Address / Dirección

Contact / Contacto

276 5th Ave, Suite 507B New York NY 10001

(212) 942-5944

©2016 by Ana María Benavides

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