Hypnosis with Ana Maria
Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Nutritional Counseling and Holistic Health Counseling
(212) 942-5944
Hypnosis with Ana Maria
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis therapeutically. Scope of hypnosis is unlimited, remember that the most important is your real desire to change and solve your problems; no one can be hypnotized against their will. Hypnotherapy does not represent a hazard, it is completely safe and without negative side effects. Hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind.
Uses of Hypnotherapy
General fears
Public Speaking
Enhance Memory
Low self-esteem
Lack of concentration
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Labor and Business Scope
Hypnosis and the business community have proven to be a wonderful duet. The most successful companies have been sent their best elements to develop and / or increase their potential and abilities through hypnosis.
Motivation and Neuro Linguistic Programming
Motivation for sales people and sales agents
Drive to succeed and productivity
Employment Depression and stagnation
Communication Problems
Hypnosis and NLP are excellent tools to help you extensively in developing and enhancing communication skills such as:
General problems when speaking in public
Uncontrollable Nerves
Panic Scenic
Fear of cameras and microphones
Confidence and Self Esteem
Targeting to students, professionals, actors, public figures and the general public.
Conflict Couple
There are also many problems in relationships that can be solved with hypnosis:
Ruptures and divorces
Addiction person
Partner Dependence
Excessive jealousy
Physical and psychological abuse.
Among more than fifteen ways to quit smoking hypnosis has the highest rate of success.
Addiction meals
Compulsive Shopping
Addiction People
Many problems in the sexual area are closely linked to psychological factors such as traumas and negative experiences.
Lack of desire
Psychosomatic Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction
Psychosomatic Sterility or Infertility
Sexual Identity
Premature ejaculation
Consultations for children over 6 years old.
Attention Deficit Disorder
Aggressive Behaviors
Self-confidence and self-esteem
Academic Skills and Sports (Development and Enhancement).
Hypnosis, combined with Neuro Linguistic Programming provides excellent results in development and enhancement of skills and abilities that program athletes to become winners.
Fears and Phobias
If you suffer from fears or phobias that comes loaded from childhood, hypnosis may be the solution, since it has shown a high success rate, among the most common phobias are:
Claustrophobia- Fear of enclosed spaces.
Nycotophobia – Fear of the Dark
Trypanophobia – Fear of Injection or Medical Needles.
Mysophobia/Germophobia – Fear of Germs
Sociophobia – Fear of being evaluated/judged negatively.
Acrophobia – Fear of Heights
Nacrophobia – Fear of Death
Pteromerhanophobia – Fear of Flying
Cynophobia – Fear of Dogs
Anthropophobia – Fear of People
Anuptaphobia – Fear of staying single
Atychiphobia – Fear of Failure
Arachnophobia – Fear of Spiders
Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns.
Weight Loss
There are many reasons why a person may gain weight, people often gain weight because they eat too much because they are under an anxiety that cannot handle, either because they are experiencing a loss of a loved one, divorce, loneliness, mother early release, lack of love, etc. With hypnosis you are going directly to root cause, these emotional lack that resolve the anxiety to eat more and gain weight.
Food addiction
Chocolate, Sugar and Pastries Addiction
Sport Motivation
We offer health coaching, holistic diet, and nutritional counseling in general.
Other Applications
Hypnobirth (Hypnosis before, during and after-delivery)
Hypnoanalgesia (Managing Chronic Pain)
Hipnoanesthesia (Using hypnosis as an anesthetic in Surgery or Dentist)
Nail biting (biting nails).