Hypnosis with Ana Maria
Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Nutritional Counseling and Holistic Health Counseling
(212) 942-5944
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and concentration that everyone has experienced at some time. Hypnosis therapy makes use of this capacity to bring focused attention to address a particular issue. It is a pleasant, voluntary, state of relaxed attentive concentration, an altered state of consciousness, during which the conscious critical mind is relaxed
and relatively inactive, and the doorway to the subconscious, inner mind is opened with a person’s permission. In this comfortable state, suggestibility is heightened, mental absorption is increased, the senses are heightened, and the imagination is activated in a controlled manner. The inner mind is more receptive to acceptable, beneficial suggestions.
How does hypnosis work?
Once the Hypnotic State is induced and the doorway to the Subconscious Mind is opened, with your permission, the competent Hypnotist can provide information, in a language and form that the Subconscious can accept, to help you change the behaviors, feelings and thoughts that you want to change. We utilize the fact that the Subconscious Mind
has the ability (actually the tendency) to accept what it imagines as real. This can greatly reduce the felt stress of changing unhealthy habits to healthier habits.
Who can be hypnotized?
Anyone who can pay attention and follow instructions can be hypnotized if they want to be. People will vary however, as to the extent or depth to which they can be hypnotized.
Can a person be hypnotized against his will?
No. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. You must be a willing subject. Your hypnotist must have your full cooperation.
Will I be asleep in a hypnosis session?
This is one of the most common beliefs about hypnosis. James Braid (1796 - 1860), coined the term "hypnosis", erroneously determining that the phenomenon was a "form of sleep." Dr. Braid named the phenomenon taking the word "Hypnos" which was the Greek god of dreams. When they tried to correct the error, the word "hypnosis" had already been popularized.
In a hypnosis session the person looks as if asleep but is NOT, but on the contrary, are more alert and focused, with
the natural ability to remember and forget the same amount of information that is remembered or forgotten during conversation wakefulness. Hypnosis is defined as a special state of consciousness in which the hypnotized maintains
its ability to see, hear and feel.
A person can stay in a permanent trance?
No, a person cannot stay in a permanent trance because the person is always in control, if for some reason the hypnotherapist leave the place of the meeting and leave the person alone, what would happen would be that the person could fall asleep or open his eyes to leave the trance.
Will I tell any secrets under hypnosis?
No, the conscious mind is present all the time never goes away, it just becomes an observer. No disclosure of secrets, the person will never say or do anything that is against their security, values, principles or beliefs
A hypnotized person can lose control?
Hypnosis is NOT about the hypnotist controlling the person. It is about the person gaining more control over himself. Once the person realizes that experiencing hypnotic trance will (a) help him feel how he wants to feel and do what he wants to do, AND (b) actually give him more control and power than he previously had, he will stop over thinking, let it happen, and become a good subject. With the hypnotic process a person gains more control over itself.
What about the idea that some people are just not hypnotizable?
Anyone who can daydream can be hypnotized if he is willing. Nobody can be hypnotized against his will. If a person is not willing to cooperate, he cannot be hypnotized. However, the idea that some people are just not hypnotizable is INCORRECT. Some people may initially have problems with feeling that they may lose control in some unacceptable way. This may lead them to intellectually second guess and over analyze what is going on. Thinking too much will interfere with relaxing enough to enter trance.
What are the requirements of a good Subject?
They are mainly the desire to be hypnotized and to experience Hypnosis, the ability to concentrate, the willingness to cooperate and follow instructions, and the relative absence of mistrust and fear.
What are some of the benefits of Hypnosis?
There are many benefits and uses for Hypnosis. To mention but a few of the more common uses:
Induce relaxation
Relieve tensions
Relieve pain
In childbirth
Diminish and control anxiety
Eliminate phobias
Treat depression
Improve self-confidence
Control mood swings
Modify or change hurtful baits
Stop smoking
Lose weight through changing eating and other habits
Improve concentration and memory
Improve study habits
Develop natural abilities
Relieve insomnia
Aid police work
Stop fingernail biting
Stop bedwetting
In dentistry.
Stop bruxism
Preparation for surgery or other medical procedures
At the end of the session will I remember what happened?
Yes. You will always be in control and remember what happened. You can record the session if you desire it.
Does the Hypnotist “dominate” the hypnotized person?
In stage hypnosis "hypnotists" project a dominant personality, because the intention is to make people believe they have "special powers", "a powerful look" or you can manipulate at will the mind of others, but only that: "a show", a show where hypnosis and illusion mixes. In contrast, in clinical hypnosis requires a relationship of trust and respect where the person feels comfortable with the hypnotherapist
If you are looking for a session or if you have doubts and questions about hypnosis, Past Life Regressions or Nutrition make a free telephone consultation, 30 minutes directly with Ana Maria Benavides. Call (212) 942 5944 in the City of New York, and (201) 430 6841 in New Jersey or make an appointment by clicking the button below.